Rooms and Villas

Villa Room 1,2 & 5

  • ₱12,500 per night (Villa 1&2)

  • Good for 12 persons

  • With airconditioner
  • With cable Cignal TV and Netflix access

  • Includes bathroom and restroom

  • Includes 6 double deck beds

  • With Free Wi-Fi

  • P750 for extra head (max of 2)

  • With provision for kitchen at P750/overnight

  • ₱14,500 per night (Villa 5) good for 14 persons with 7 double deck beds

Villa Room 3 & 4

  • ₱11,000 per night

  • Good for 10 persons

  • With airconditioner

  • With cable Cignal TV and Netflix access

  • Includes 2 bathrooms and restrooms

  • Includes 5 double deck beds

  • With free Wi-Fi

  • P750 for extra head (max of 2)

  • With provision for kitchen at P750/overnight

  • 2 units available

Guest Room

  • ₱5,000 per night

  • Good for 3 to 4 persons

  • With airconditioner

  • With king sized bed and 1 pull over bed

  • With Bathtub and Rest Room

  • With free Wi-Fi

  • 1 unit available

Duplex Room

  • ₱6,500 per night

  • Good for 4 to 5 persons

  • With airconditioner

  • With cable Cignal TV and Netflix access

  • Includes bathroom and restroom

  • Includes 2 double size beds with pullover

  • With free Wi-Fi

  • P750 for extra head (max of 2)

  • With provision for kitchen at P750/overnight

  • 2 units available

Family/Couple Room

  • ₱5,000 per night

  • Good for couples and honeymooners

  • Good for 2 to 3 persons

  • With airconditioner and comfort room

  • With cable Cignal TV and Netflix access

  • With living room

  • Includes superior king size bed

  • 1 unit available

Sunset View Room

  • ₱6,750 per night

  • Good for family of 3 or group of 3-4 persons

  • With airconditioner and comfort room

  • With cable Cignal TV and Netflix access

  • With lanai and viewdeck

  • Includes king size bed and double size sofa bed

  • With provision for kitchen at P750/overnight

  • 1 unit available

  • Premium room

Bahay Kubo by the Pool

  • Good for 3 to 4 persons

  • ₱4,250 per night (with air conditioner)

  • With two (2) Tier beds

  • Facing the swimming pools

  • With bathroom and restroom nearby

  • With garden table/bench set

  • With free Wi-fi

  • 6 units available

Bahay Kubo by the Beach

  • Good for 4 to 5 persons

  • ₱5,000 per night

  • With air conditioner

  • Near beach and pools

  • With garden table/bench set

  • With bathroom and restroom nearby

  • With provision for kitchen at P750/overnight

  • 3 units available

Beach Dorms

  • For 6 or 8 persons

  • 2 Units Beach Dorms with CR and AC with 4 double deck beds at ₱8,500 per night

  • 1 Unit Beach Dorm with AC and 3 double deck beds at ₱6,500 per night

  • Beach front view

  • With designated table set

  • With bathroom and restroom nearby

  • With provision for kitchen at P750/overnight

Open Hallway

  • Good for 50 persons

  • Good for day event and dining area for resto services, catering and boodle fight

  • With free Wi-fi

  • Facing swimming pool and jacuzzi